Janelle Billingsley, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

Contact Information:

Email:      jbilling@umbc.edu

Office:     Math/Psych room 306

Phone:    (410) 455-2349

Fax:         (410) 455-1055

Lab:         Sondheim 412


Ph.D. – University of Virginia, 2022

Fall 2023 Office Hours:

11:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Area of Study:

Community Psychology

Research Interests:

Dr. Billingsley’s research focuses on the study of normative and adaptive processes fostering healthy development among African American adolescents facing contextual adversity. She utilizes qualitative and mixed-method approaches to uncover how African American adolescents can leverage pre-existing strengths in their lives, such as supportive intergenerational familial bonds, to promote their social-emotional well-being. Additionally, Dr. Billingsley’s work examines sociocultural influences on African American adolescents’ social-emotional development and also considers how African American youth understand and respond to their social environments.

Courses Taught:

Exploring the Discipline and Careers (PSYC 309)

Graduate Research and Training Opportunities:

Accepting New Graduate students?

Undergraduate Research and Training Opportunities:

Yes, accepting undergraduate students for the Spring of 2023

Graduate Program Affiliation(s):

Human Services Psychology

Selected Publications:

Griffith, A.N., Leggett, C., Billingsley, J.T., Wittrup, A.R., & Hurd, N.M. (2022). Exploring the nature of Black adolescents’ unfair treatment by adults at school: Implications for adolescents’ trust in adults. Child & Youth Care Forum. Advance online publication.

Billingsley, J.T., Rivens, A.J., Charity-Parker, B.M., Chang, S*., Garrett, S*., Li, T., & Hurd, N.M. (2021). Familial mentor support and Black youths’ connectedness to parents across adolescence. Youth & Society, 54(4), 547-572.

Billingsley, J.T., Rivens, A.J., & Hurd, N.M. (2021). Family closeness and mentor formation among Black youth. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 30, 3, 793-807.

Billingsley, J.T., Rivens, A.J., & Hurd, N.M. (2020). Familial interdependence, socioeconomic disadvantage, and the formation of familial mentoring relationships within Black families. Journal of Adolescent Research, 37(1), 98-127.

