Professor Emeritus
Contact Information:
Ph.D. – State University of New York, Buffalo, 1968
Area of Study:
Behavioral Neuroscience
Research Interests:
Effects of exposure to the types of radiation encountered in space (e.g. exploratory class missions to Mars) on behavior and brain function.
Graduate Program Affiliation(s):
Human Services Psychology
Selected Publications:
Rabin, B. M., Joseph, J. A., Shukitt-Hale, B., and Carey, A. N. (2007). Dietary modulation of the effects of exposure to 56Fe particles. Advances in Space Research, 40: 576-580.
Rabin, B. M., Carrihill-Knoll, K., Hinchman, M., Shukitt-Hale, B., Joseph, J. A., & Foster, B. C. (2009). Effects of heavy particle irradiation and diet on object recognition memory in rats. Advances in Space Research, 43: 1193-1199.
Rabin, B. M. (2012). An introduction to behavior testing for the radiobiologist. Posted to THREE (The Health Risks of Extraterrestrial Environments) 27 Jan. 2012
Rabin, B. M., Joseph, J. A., Shukitt-Hale, B., Carrihill-Knoll, K. L. (2012) Interaction between age of irradiation and age of testing in the disruption of operant performance using a ground-based model for exposure to cosmic rays. AGE, 34: 121-131.
Rabin, B. M., Carrihill-Knoll, K. L., Long, L. V., Pitts, S. C. & Shukitt-Hale, B. (2013). Effects of 17β-estradiol on cognitive performance of ovariectomized female rats exposed to space radiation. Journal of Behavioral and Brain Sciences 3: 67-73.