Assistant Teaching Professor
Contact Information:
Office: Math/Psychology 319
Phone: (410) 455-3953
Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology/Behavioral Medicine- University of Maryland Baltimore (Baltimore,MD.)
Spring 2025 Office Hours:
Area of Study:
Clinical Psychology/Behavioral Medicine
Courses Taught:
Abnormal Psychology (PSYC-285)
Psychology: Exploring the Discipline and Careers (Psyc 309)
Psychological Assessment (Psyc 320)
Psychology of Aggression and Antisocial Behavior (Psyc 342)
Introduction to Clinical Psychology (Psyc 345)
Personality (PSYC-380)
Health Psychology (PSYC-385)
Seminar in Personality Study (Psyc 480)
Seminar in Healthy Personality (Psyc 493)
Graduate Research and Training Opportunities:
NO: Not accepting new graduate students
Undergraduate Research and Training Opportunities:
YES: Undergraduate opportunities available
Graduate Program Affiliation(s):
Human Services Psychology
Leadership roles in the Department/College/University:
Interdepartmental Advisor
Other important information:
1974 Psi Chi National Honor Society in Psychology
1989 Sigma Pi Tau College Teaching Honor Society