Psychology Department Diversity Highlights

The Psychology Department is committed to improving our departmental composition, climate, and curriculum with regard to diverse faculty, graduate students, and undergraduate students. The promotion of an inclusive climate that supports the recruitment, retention, and personal and professional development of a diverse faculty, staff, and graduate and undergraduate student bodies is a crucially important long-term goal of the Psychology Department.We accomplish these goals via a collaborative work group.

  • Training for Faculty and Graduate Students: We host trainings and regularly have departmental retreats that focus on topics related to power, privilege, equity, diversity, inclusivity, and social justice for faculty and staff. We also have trainings focusing on equity and justice for all incoming and second year graduate students. Students also receive additional training via coursework and clinic orientation.
  • Curricular Support & Enhancement: We provide workshops and online teaching resources to support faculty pedagogy on diversity and inclusion. We integrate diversity, equity, and social justice training content into the undergraduate curricula through a formal Diversity Concentration.
  • Assessing and Improving Department Climate: We perform assessments every 3 years of the department’s diversity and equity climate to evaluate our areas of strength and relative concerns. We use this information to inform the structure and content of trainings; the information also serves as a guide for regular town hall meetings.
  • Recruitment of Diverse Faculty and Students: Faculty members receive training to ensure inclusive and equitable practices during the hiring process. In addition, we work very hard to ensure the presence of a diverse student body by using best practices for equity and inclusion.