Thesis / Dissertation Proposal Defense Form

Please use the following link to initiate your Thesis or Dissertation Proposal Defense Form*:

*This Departmental form is only intended for students enrolled in the Human Services Psychology PhD or Applied Developmental Psychology PhD program.

  • After you complete the Google form, the Graduate Program Coordinator will initiate a DocuSign for you to complete based on the size of your committee.
  • First, you will be asked to “Specify Recipients.” Enter your contact information as the student and then enter the names / email addresses for your committee members. List your committee Chair or Co-Chairs first.
  • Then, you will receive a second email from DocuSign asking you to “sign” the form again by filling in the information regarding your thesis or dissertation (title and proposal date).
  • After you finish that step, the form will go to your committee chair, who will sign when the defense is complete.