ADP Students’ Presentations and Publications

Prepared 07/2024

Recent Publications

Journal Articles

  • Sonnenschein,S., Stites, M.L., Gursoy,H., & Khorsandian, J. (2023). Elementary-school students’ use of digital devices at home to support learning pre- and post-COVID-19. Education Sciences, 13,
  • Godwin, K.E., Kaur, F., & Sonnenschein, S. (2023). Teaching and learning during a global pandemic: Perspectives from elementary school teachers and parents. Education Sciences, 13(4), 426.
  • Schmidt, C., Cho, H.S., & Cheah, C.S.L. (2023). To be in harmony: Chinese American adolescents’ and parents’ bicultural integration during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 54(4), 475-489.
  • French, A. M., Else-Quest, N. M., Asher, M., Thoman, D. B., Smith, J. L., Hyde, J. S., & Harackiewicz, J. M. (2023). An intersectional application of expectancy-value theory in an undergraduate chemistry course.Psychology of Women Quarterly, 47(3), 299-319.
  • Else-Quest, N. M.,French, A. M., & Telfer, N. A. (2023). The intersectionality imperative: Calling in stigma and health research. Stigma and Health, 8(3), 269-278.
  • Ren, L., Wang, S., & Mang, L. (2023). Developmental implications of preschool children’s affective experiences during organized activities. Early Child Development and Care, 193(5), 631-646.
  • Wang, S., Cheah, C.S.L., Zong, X.& Ren, H. (2023). Parental stress and
    Chinese American preschoolers’ adjustment: The mediating role of
    Behavioral. Sciences. 13, 562.
  • Ren, H., Hart, C. H., Cheah, C. S. L., Porter C. L., Nelson, D. A., Yavuz-Müren, M., … & Zhou, N. (in press). Parenting Measurement, Normativeness, and Associations with Child Outcomes: Comparing Evidence from Four Non-Western Cultures. Developmental Science.
  • Ren, H.,Cheah, C. S. L., Cho, H. S.,Aquino, A. K. (2023). Cascading effects of Chinese American parents’ COVID-19 racial discrimination and racial socialization on adolescents’ adjustment. Child Development, 00, 1–17.
  • Sun, Y., Cheah, C. S. L., & Hart, C. H. (2023). Parent-child relationship buffers the impact of maternal psychological control on aggression in temperamentally surgent children. Social Development, 00, 1–16.
  • Luo, R., Song, L., Davis-Hilton, A. et al. (2023) Parental beliefs and knowledge about dual language learning and education (KnDLLE) predict children’s Spanish and English experiences at home. Early Childhood Educ Journal.
  • Godwin, K.E., Thompson, C. A., Kaur, F., Iwai, Y., Fitzsimmons, C. J., & Taber, J. M. (2023). Attending to What’s Important: What Heat Maps May Reveal About Attention, Inhibitory Control, and Fraction Arithmetic Performance. Frontiers Psychology, 14.
  • Cho, H. S., Gürsoy, H., Cheah, C. S. L., Zong, X., & Ren, H. (2024). To maintain or conceal one’s cultural identity? Chinese American parents’ ethnic–racial socialization during COVID-19. Journal of Family Psychology, 38(1), 26–37.
  • Sun, Y., Cheah, C. S. L., Seo, Y. J., Aquino, A. K., Gursoy, H., & Wu, L.-W. (2024). All in the family: The complementary protective roles of spousal and other family support for Chinese immigrant mothers’ life satisfaction over time. Journal of Family Psychology. Advance online.
  • Balkaya-Ince, M., Cheah, C.S.L., Amer, M. & Gursoy, H. (2024). Time-varying and gender differences in maternal religious socialization and its implications on Muslim American adolescents’ religious identity. Psychology of Religion and Spirituality.
  • Bishop, C. M., Adams, C., Harris, M., Gamble, C. Placide, D., & Churchill, J. (in press). The psychosocial aspects of ethnic identity development among African American college students.
  • Sun, Y., Lam, C. B., Cheung, R. Y. M. (2024). Child surgency and child aggression: The moderating effect of positive parenting and family income. Child and Youth Service Review. 158, 107884.
  • Clayborne, J.,Cengher, M., Shawler, L., & Frampton, R. (accepted) Stimulus equivalence and transfer of function in practice: teaching categorization skills to children with autism. Behavioral Interventions.


Book Chapters

  • Sonnenschein, S., & Dowling, R. (2016). Language comprehension. In E. Stocks (Ed.), Foundations of Psychology. Gale.
  • Cheah, C.S.L., Zhou, N., Leung, C.Y.Y., & Vu, K.T.T. (2018). Why and how U.S. Chinese immigrant mothers engage in parenting control and the role of their acculturation. In S.S. Chuang, & C. Costigan (Eds.), Parental roles and relationships in immigrant families: An international approach. Springer Science+Business Media.
  • Sonnenschein, S., Galindo, C., Simons, C.L., Metzger, S.R., Thompson, J.A., & Chung, M. (2018). How do children learn mathematics? Chinese and Latina immigrant perspectives. In S.S. Chuang, & C.L. Costigan (Eds.), Parental roles and relationships in immigrant families: An international approach (pp.111-128). New York, NY: Springer Science+Business Media.
  • Else-Quest, N. M., & Hamilton, V. (2018).  Measurement and analysis of nation-level gender equity in the psychology of women.  In C. B. Travis & J. W. White (Eds.), Handbook of the Psychology of Women. American Psychological Association.
  • Sonnenschein, S., Metzger, S., & Gay, B. (2018). Concerted cultivation among low-Income Black and Latino families. In Sonnenschein, S., & Sawyer, B. E. (Eds.). Academic Socialization of Young Black and Latino Children: Building on Family Strengths (pp.39-60). Springer.
  • Baker, L., & DeWyngaert, L. (2018). Academic socialization in the homes of Black and Latino preschool children: Research findings and future directions. In Sonnenschein, S., & Sawyer, B. E. (Eds.) Academic socialization of young Black and Latino children: Building on family strengths (pp.233-255). Springer.
  • Sonnenschein, S., & Dowling, R. (2019). Parents’ socialization of their young children’s interest in math. In O. Saracho (Ed.), Contemporary perspectives on research on motivation in early childhood education (pp. 75-100). Information Age Publishing.
  • Sonnenschein, S., & Gay, B. (2019). Parent involvement and equity in mathematics. In C. Xenofontos (Ed.), Equity in mathematics education: Addressing a changing world (pp.159-178). Information Age Publishing.
  • Godwin, K. E., & Kaur, F. (2020). Investigation of attentional decay: Implications for instruction. In Denison., M. Mack., Y. Xu, & B.C. Armstrong (Eds.), Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (2931-2936). Cognitive Science Society.
  • Hong, Y., & Schmidt, C. (2021, September 29).Multiculturalism and cultural assimilation. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Psychology. Oxford University Press. doi:
  • Xu, Y., Cheah, C. S. L. & Hart, C. H. H., & Seo, Y. J. (2021). From shyness to social anxiety: Understanding solitude in the context of immigration.  In R. J. Coplan, J. C. Bowker, & L. J. Nelson (Eds.). The handbook of solitude: Psychological perspectives on social isolation, social withdrawal and being along, 2nd Ed. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Sonnenschein, S., Stites, M. L., & Galczyk, S.H. (2022). Teaching preschool during COVID-19: Insights from the field. In Saracho, O.N. (Ed.), Contemporary Perspectives on Research on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Early Childhood Education (pp.35-53). Information Age Publishing.
  • Sonnenschein, S., Stites, M.L., Grossman, J.A., & Galczyk, S. (2022). “It Just doesn’t work”: Parents’ views about distance learning for young children with special needs. In J. Pattnaik and M.R. Jalongo (Eds.). The Impact of COVID-19 on Early Childhood Education and Care: International Perspectives, Challenges, and Responses (pp.253-274). Springer Nature.
  • Carlos, G., Cheah, C. S. L., Conejo Bolaños, L. D., & Cho, H. S. (2022). The social development of immigrant children: A focus on Asian and Latinx children in the U.S.  K. Smith & C. H. Hart (Eds.), Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of Childhood Social Development, 3rd Ed. Wiley-Blackwell Publishers.
  • Sonnenschein, S., Stites, M., & Krasniqu, B. (in press). Factors affecting children’s learning during COVID-19. To appear in M. Koslowsky (Ed.), The Long-Term Effects of the Corona Virus on Society.
  • Cengher, M., Zhao, X., Li, T. (in press). A practical guide to functional assessment and treatment for severe problem behavior. In J. Jessel, & P. Sturmey (Eds.), Descriptive assessments: observation of behavior and the accompanying contingencies.


Program Evaluations

  • Dowling, R., & Hunter, B. (2016, May). Introduction to an Honors University. Sponsored by UMBC First Year Experience Program.
  • Sonnenschein, S., Dowling, R., & Shanty, L. (2017, January). Evaluation of The Mother Goose on the Loose Goslings program. Sponsored by PNC.
  • Metzger, S. R. (2016, May).  Final Report of Red Watch Band Program Year 1: Fall 2014-Spring 2015. Sponsored by the NCAA CHOICES Alcohol Education Grant Program and UMBC.
  • Simons, C. L. (2016). UMBC-Lakeland partnership service learning evaluation. Prepared for the Sherman Teacher-Scholars Program.
  • Metzger, S. R. (2017, July).  UMBC Recreation Services Assessment Report. Sponsored by the Department of Athletics and Recreation and the Division of Student Affairs at UMBC.
  • Sonnenschein, S., Dowling, R., & Shanty, L. (2017, January). Evaluation of The Mother Goose on the Loose Goslings program. Sponsored by PNC Grow Up Great.(reviewed in Baltimore Sun and Progeny)
  • Gay, B. (2017). The Choice Job Readiness Program: 2017 Evaluation. Prepared for the Choice Program at UMBC.
  • Sonnenschein, S., Dowling, R., Shanty, L., & Hussey-Gardner, B. (2018, January), Evaluation of year 2 of the Mother Goose on the Loose Goslings program. Sponsored by PNC (reviewed in Children’s Hospital News, March, 2018).
  • Simons, C. (2017). Participant feedback on the April, 2017 school readiness symposium “Building equity in early learning” featuring Walter Gilliam, Ph.D. Prepared for Ready at Five.
  • Simons, C. (2018). Participant feedback on the May, 2018 school readiness symposium “Supporting the whole child: Social and emotional learning” featuring Stephanie Jones, Ph.D. Prepared for Ready at Five.
  • Simons, C. (2018). Preliminary Results of the Promoting Enrichment to Advance Language Skills (PETALS) intervention: Pilot year II. Prepared for Ready At Five.
  • Simons, C. (2018). Participant feedback on the Maryland State Department of Education and Ready at Five’s 2018 family engagement summit, “Families lead the way: Transforming communities through engagement” Prepared for Ready at Five.
  • Simons, C. (2018). Participant feedback on the December, 2018 school readiness symposium “The surprising importance of early math” featuring Douglas Clements, Ph.D. Prepared for Ready at Five.
  • Simons, C. (2018). Preliminary Results of the Promoting Enrichment to Advance Language Skills (PETALS) intervention: Pilot year II. Prepared for Ready at Five.
  • Balkaya, M., Godsay, S., Holloway, B., Stolle-McAllister, K., & Maton, K. (2019). BUILD Training Program: “BUILD a bridge to STEM” summer 2018 program evaluation report. Funded by NIH.
  • Balkaya, M., Godsay, S., Holloway, B., Stolle-McAllister, K., & Maton, K. (2019). BUILD Training Program: Summer 2018 program evaluation report. Funded by NIH.
  • Balkaya, M., Godsay, S., Holloway, B., Stolle-McAllister, K., & Maton, K. (2019). BUILD Training Program 2017–2018 program evaluation report. Funded by NIH.
  • Simons, C. (2019) Report on the Ready at Five stakeholder survey & interviews. Prepared for the Ready at Five Executive Leadership Committee.
  • Simons, C. (2019). Program evaluation: Using Ready Rosie to engage families of low-income pre-k students. Prepared for Ready at Five.
  • McLoughlin, C., Zimmerman, S. & Dowling, R. (2019). The Port and SkyClimber Exhibit summative evaluation. Prepared for Port Discovery and Stakeholders
  • Dowling, R., & Zimmerman, S. (2019). Mother Goose on the Loose with professional development: Program evaluation. Prepared for Port Discovery and Stakeholders
  • Dowling, R. (2019). Program evaluation of Mother Goose on the Loose Goslings at Mount Washington Hospital. In preparation for Mt. Washington Hospital and Zanvyl and Isabelle Krieger Fund
  • Dowling, R. (2019). Evaluation of after school programming. Fall 2019: EcoKids and Blast from the Past. In preparation for Port Discovery
  • Dowling, R. (2019). Guided group participant evaluations, Fall 2019. In preparation for Port Discovery
  • Dowling, R. (2019). Market analyses of Ready at Five in Maryland. Prepared for Ready at Five.
  • Dowling, R. (2019). Participant Feedback on December 2019 School Readiness Symposium: Simple Interactions. Featuring Dr. Junlei Li and Dr. Dana Winters. In preparation for Ready at Five.
  • Gay, B. (2019). Evaluation of the Choice Program’s Job Readiness Program. Sponsored by RISE for Boys and Men of Color.
  • Sonnenschein, S., Gay, B., & Rowan, M. (2020, July). Evaluation of the 2020 “Talking is Teaching: Talk, Read, Sing” Literacy Intervention in Baltimore Metropolitan WIC Centers. Sponsored by Too Small to Fail, Clinton Foundation.


Technical Reports, Newsletters, Magazines, Blogs, and Other Reports

  • Thompson, J.A. (2016, January). The STEM Trifecta: Intellect, Interest, and Intent [Web log post]. Retrieved from
  • Simons, C.L., & Sonnenschein, S. (2016, June). Helping parents support children’s self-regulation at home may be essential for school success. MSPA Protocol, LIV, 14.
  • Dowling, R. & Sonnenschein, S. (2016, June). Promoting vocabulary growth for English Language Learners. MSPA Protocol, LIV, 12-13.
  • Dowling, R., Gay, B., & Sonnenschein, S. (2017). Using math board games to promote early numeracy skills. MSPA Protocol, LVII, 8-9.
  • Dowling, R., Metzger, S.R.,& Sonnenschein, S. (2018). Supporting young children’s math development at home. (invited submission). MSPA Protocol.
  • Sonnenschein, S., Dowling, R., & Metzger, S.R. (2018). 5 math skills your child needs to know before kindergarten. The Conversation.
  • Dowling, R., & Sonnenschein, S. (2018). Parents‘ views of education and technology. Prepared for Baltimore County Public Schools.
  • Dowling, R., Gay, B., & Sonnenschein, S. (2018). Bringing science home: Helping parents support their children’s learning, MSPA Protocol, LIX(1), 16-19 Invited submission.
  • Le, L. T., Lavin, K., Aquino, A. K., Shivers, E. M., Perry, D. F., & Horen, N. M. (2018). What’s Working? A Study of the Intersection of Family, Friend, and Neighbor Networks and Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Center for Child and Human Development.
  • Gay, B., Dowling, R., Sonnenschein, S., & Stites, M. (2019). What parents want. Prepared for MSDE.
  • Gay, (2018). The Child Welfare Research-to-Policy Network: Network Engagement Survey Report. Prepared for the Research-to-Policy Collaboration.
  • Gay, B. (2019). Intercountry adoption: Adoption permanency and supports [fact sheet]. Prepared for the Research-to-Policy Collaboration.
  • Zhang, L., Marks, A. K., Roberg, R., Murry, M. & Ramos, Z., Giray, C., Gay, B., Jaffe, G., Garcia-Rodriguez, I., & Global Alliance for Behavioral Health and Social Justice Migrants and Displaced Persons Task Force (2020). COVID-19, immigration status, and child and family wellbeing [policy brief].Prepared for the Global Alliance for Behavioral Health and Social Justice.   
  • Roberg, R., Zhang, L., Marks, A. K.,  Murry, M. &Ramos, Z., Giray, C., Gay, B., Jaffe, G., Garcia-Rodriguez, I., & Global Alliance for Behavioral Health and Social Justice Migrants and Displaced Persons Task Force (2020). COVID-19’s Impact on immigrant communities: Facts at a glance [fact sheet]. Prepared for the Global Alliance for Behavioral Health and Social Justice. 
  • Thompson, J.A., & Sonnenschein, S. (2020). Math on the path to STEM fields. MSPA Protocol, LX (3),13-15.
  • Stites, M., Sonnenschein, S., Dowling, R., & Gay, B. (2020). Math in the classroom library? Why Not!! Invited blog.
  • Charlot, N., Gay, B., Baker, E., Hamel, J., Fisher, J., Klein, Richmond, C., L. B., Miyamoto, S. (2020). Victim services threatened by a depleted perpetrator-financed Crime Victims Fund [fact sheet]. Prepared for the Research-to-Policy Collaboration.
  • Akande, A., Charlot, N., & Gay, B. (2020). How policymakers and practitioners can facilitate disclosure and help-seeking [fact sheet]. Prepared for the Research-to-Policy Collaboration.
  • Charlot, N., Gay, B., Baker, E., Hamel, J., Fisher, J., Klein, Richmond, C., L. B., Miyamoto, S. (2020). Let’s talk about the science of victim’s services: Talking points for advocates [fact sheet]. Prepared for the Research-to-Policy Collaboration and the National Association of VOCA Assistance Administrators (NAVAA).
  • Stites, M., Sonnenschein, S., & Galczyk, S. (Nov. 25, 2020). It’s not just ABCs – preschool parents worry their kids are missing out on critical social skills during the pandemic.
  • Gay, B., & Donnay, S. (2020). Clearinghouses and evidence-based resources. Resource prepared for the Research-to-Policy Collaboration.


Recent Presentations


  • Placide, D.C., Sonnenschein, S., Sawyer, B., & King, P. (2023, August). Using a strength-based perspective to document Latinx immigrant parents’ views of kindergarten readiness. Poster presented at APA, Washington, D.C.
  • Sonnenschein, S., Placide, D., Grossman, J., & Krasniki, B. (2023, September). First and non- first-generation college students and the use of technology. Poster presented at Digital Media and Developing Minds International Scientific Congress, Washington, D.C.
  • Sonnenschein, S., Stites, M., Gursoy, H., & Krasniki, B. (2023, October). How parents socialize their elementary school age sons’ and daughters’ educational skills. Paper presented in symposium (S. Sonnenschein & M.Stites, chairs). Understanding similarities and differences in the development of boys’ and girl’s educational processes, Interests, and skills. SSHD, Philadelphia, PA.
  • French, A. M., & Sun, S. (2023, October). Anintersectional examination of family support and undergraduate STEM students’ intentions to pursue STEM careers. Symposium presentation presented at SSHD, Philadelphia, PA.
  • Schmidt, C., Gursoy, H., Sun, S., & Cheah, C.S.L. (2024, February). Longitudinal Effects of Religious Discrimination on Muslim American Adolescents’ Perceived Bicultural Integration Harmony. Invited Data Blitz at Advances in Cultural Psychology pre-conference at the Social for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP) Conference, San Diego, CA.
  • Schmidt, C., Fung, J., & Park, H. (2024, February). Asian American young adults’ experiences of COVID-19 Racial Discrimination and Activism Profile Membership. Poster presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, San Diego, CA.
  • Schmidt, C., Gursoy, H., Sun, S., & Cheah, C.S.L. (2024, February). Longitudinal Effects of Religious Discrimination on Muslim American Adolescents’ Perceived Bicultural Integration Harmony.Invited Data Blitz at Advances in Cultural Psychology pre-conference at Social for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP) Conference, San Diego, CA.
  • Kumaravelan, P., Kaur, F., & Godwin K. E. (2024, March). Brain Break Preferences Among Children. Cognitive Development Society Biennial Conference.
  • Gursoy, H., Ren, H, Aguiling, W., Balkaya-Ince, M., Cheah, C.S.L. (2024, April). How does Islamophobia relate to Muslim youth’s valuing of diversity? The mediating role of daily Muslim identity. Presented at SRA, Chicago, IL
  • Sun, S. &French, A.M. (2024, April). Race-conscious mentoring enhances the effect of research experience on science career intention for URM students. Paper presented at AERA, Philadelphia, PA.
  • Sonnenschein, S., Stites, M., Gursoy, H., & Krasniqi, B.(2024, April). Reading and mathematics in the home: Parents’ expectations and children’s engagement. Paper presented at AERA, Philadelphia. PA.
  • Sawyer, B., Sonnenschein, S., Placide, D., Reid, K., Davis-Hilton, A., Matamoros, C., & Kong, P. (2024, April). Parents’ Views About How Language and Culture Promote Dominican and Salvadoran Preschool Children’s School Readiness. Round table presented at AERA, Philadelphia, PA.
  • Aguiling, W., Ren, H., Aquino, A. K., & Cheah, C. S. L. (2024, April). Contextualizing the Family Stress Model in Asian American Immigrant families: Moderated mediation model of avoidance of outgroups and parental warmth. Poster presented at SRA, Chicago, IL.
  • Schmidt, C., Cheah, C.S.L., Sun, S. (2024, April). The role of Chinese American Parents’ Cultural Socialization and Acculturation on Adolescents’ Perceived Harmony and Blendedness Profile Membership. Paper symposium presented at SRA, Chicago, IL.
  • Zhao, X., Cengher, M., & Li, T. (2024, May). Identifying the optimal procedures to teach two languages to children with autism spectrum disorder. Symposium presentation presented at ABAI, Philadelphia, PA.
  • Cho, H. S., Balkaya-Ince, M., Ren, H., Aquino, A. K., Zhang, B., Gu, J., Na, J. Y., & Cheah, C. S. L. (2024, April). Age-varying associations between Chinese American children and adolescents’ critical consciousness, racial discrimination, and civic engagement. Poster presented at SRA, Chicago, IL.
  • Na, J. Y., Cho, H. S., & Cheah, C. S. L. (2024, April). Korean American adolescents’ racial discrimination experiences and mental health: Moderating roles of racial-ethnic socialization and parental warmth. Paper presented at SRA, Chicago, IL.
  • R., Zhang, B., & Cheah, C. S. L. (2024, April). Parental racial-ethnic socialization facilitates civic engagement among Asian American youth through character development. Poster presented at SRA, Chicago, IL.
  • Schmidt, C., Cheah, C.S.L., & Sun, S. (2024, April). The role of Chinese American parents’ cultural socialization and acculturation on adolescents’ perceived harmony and blendedness profile membership.Paper presented in symposium, Advancing Developmental and Contextual Understanding of Youth Bicultural Experiences, SRA, Chicago, IL.
  • Gursoy, H., Schmidt, C., & Cheah., C.S.L. (2024, June). A roadmap to positive development: Person-centered and longitudinal approach in exploring Muslim youths’ identities and maternal civic socialization. Paper symposium presented at ISSBD, Lisbon, Portugal.
  • Zhang, B., Cheah, C. S. L., Ren, H., & Sun, Y. (2024, June). Understanding the reciprocal relations between parental attributions, practices, and child reactive aggression. In Zhang, B & Yavuz, H. M (Chairs), Implications of parenting and child characteristics for social-emotional development in early childhood: Evidence from four cultural contexts[Paper Symposium]. Paper symposium presented at ISSBD, Lisbon, Portugal.
  • Zhang, B., Cheah, C. S. L., Aquino, A. K., & Ren, H. (2024, June). From heritage culture to civic engagement: Examining mediating and moderating mechanisms supporting Chinese American adolescent’s civic actions. Paper symposium presented at ISSBD, Lisbon, Portugal.
  • Sonnenschein, S., Stites, M., Yaman, K.G.A., Krasniqi, B., & Gursoy, H. (2024, June). Parents’ socialization of preschool/elementary school children’s reading and math skills in Kosovo, Turkey, and the U.S. Poster presented at ISSBD, Lisbon, Portugal.
  • Placide, D.C., & Sonnenschein, S. (2024, June). The interacting role of parent academic socialization and ethnic identity on US Black college students’ academic motivation. Poster presented at ISSBD, Lisbon, Portugal.
  • Stites, M., Sonnenschein, S., Singer, J., Yang, H-w., L., Gursoy, H., Kaur,,& Krasniqi, B. (2024, June). Is teaching mathematics hard? Is it harder to teach inclusive mathematics, computational thinking, and engineering? Poster presented at MCLS, Washington, D.C.
  • Sonnenschein, S., Stites, M., & Krasniqi, B. (2024, June). Math playtime: A playful approach to socializing children’s math skills at home. Poster  presented at MCLS, Washington, D.C.
  • Kumaravelan, P., Kaur, F., & Godwin K. E. (2024, June). Brain Break Preferences Among Children. Workshop presentation; Sherman Center Research Conference Series.
  • Krasniqi, B., Sonnenschein, S., & Stites, M. (2024, June). Exploring the math academic socialization.Talk presented at Kosovo International Conference on Educational Research (KICER), Prishtina, Kosovo.
  • Li, T., Cengher, M., Ahmed, I., Zhao, X., (2024, May). A comparison of teaching two foreign languages simultaneously and sequentially to young adults. In A. N. Kisamore (chair), Analyses of Verbal Behavior in Complex Cases. [Symposium]. Association for Behavior Analysis International (ABAI)’s 50thAnnual Convention, Pennsylvania, USA.
  • Sun, Y., Cheah, C. S. L., Hart, C. H., Sun, S., Zhang, B. (2024, June). A Cross-Lagged Moderation Examination of Maternal Psychological Control and Responsiveness on Chinese Immigrant Children’s Aggression. Paper Symposium presented at ISSBD, Lisbon, Portugal.
  • Sun, Y., Cheah, C. S. L., Hart, C. H. (2024, June). Trajectories and Predictors of Chinese American Children’s Development of Inhibitory Self-Control. Paper Symposium presented at ISSBD, Lisbon, Portugal.