Psi Chi is the National Honor Society in Psychology. Students become members by joining the chapter at the school where they are enrolled. The current Psi Chi president is Robiniho Valdivia ( and Dr. Angela Katenkamp Shiplet ( is the faculty advisor. Psi Chi chapters are operated by student officers and faculty advisors. Together they select and induct the members and carry out the goals of the Society. All chapters register their inductees at the national office, where the membership records are preserved for reference purposes.

The total number of memberships preserved at the national office during the first 65 years is over 270,000. Many of these members have gone on to distinguished careers in psychology.
Psi Chi’s Purpose:
To advance the science of psychology and to encourage, stimulate, and maintain scholarship of the individual members in all fields, particularly in psychology. The aims of Psi Chi are summarized in two Greek words: Psyche, suggesting “mind” or scholarship, symbolizes enrichment of the mind; Cheires, meaning “hands,” symbolizes fellowship and research.
Historical Background:
Founded in 1929, Psi Chi is a member of the Association of College Honor Societies and is an affiliate of the American Psychological Association (APA) and the American Psychological Society (APS). Psi Chi’s sister honor society is Psi Beta, the national honor society in psychology for community and junior colleges. Psi Chi has over 840 chapters in the United States, with a national office in Chattanooga Tennessee. The national organization holds national and regional conventions annually in conjunction with the psychological associations, as well as holding research award competitions, and certificate recognition programs. Also, the Society publishes a quarterly Psi Chi Newsletter which helps to unite the members as well as to inform and recognize their contributions and accomplishments.
Why Become a Member of Psi Chi?
Though psychology students who are not Psi Chi members are welcome to attend these activities as well, the following list identifies many advantages of being a Psi Chi member:
- Recognition for outstanding academic performance.
- Permanent record of achievement which will be beneficial on applications and resumes.
- Additional educational opportunities and activities.
- One-on-one relationships with professors who can stimulate interest in psychology and write letters of recommendation.
- Interaction with other students with similar interests.
- Leadership development.
- Opportunity to be of service to the college/department sponsoring Psi Chi.
- Opportunities for members to attend conventions held annually and participate and meet leading psychologists and other students.
- Opportunities to enter research papers in the national organization’s undergraduate and graduate research competitions.
- The intrinsic honor of achieving membership in the national honor society in one’s chosen field.
- Tangible assets include a membership certificate and card.
- The Psi Chi Newsletter (which recognizes members as well as informs) is provided to the chapters free of charge for each active member.
- Membership in Psi Chi meets one of the requirements for entrance at the GS-7 level in numerous professional and technical occupations in the United States Government.
- Psi Chi provides a forum for obtaining information about, and developing perspectives in, the field of psychology and opportunities available to students.
- Membership is for life. The registration fee is the only payment ever made to the national organization which preserves the membership records and verifies memberships.
- Through their affiliation with Psi Chi, members feel a community with others in psychology-and gain identification of one’s self with the larger field of psychology.
How To Become a Member of Psi Chi
Psychology majors who earn a high GPA are invited to join Psi Chi in the Fall and Spring semesters. Invitation is based on national membership requirements.
Membership Requirements
For membership requirements, please see the UMBC PSI CHI website
Other Organizations
APA- American Psychological Association
MPA- Maryland Psychological Association
Association for Psychological Science