Travel Information

As of May 1, 2023, there is a new procedure for processing pre-approval and reimbursement requests for any graduate student receiving a GSA travel award.   This includes those students only receiving a GSA travel award as well as those who applied for and received a Psychology Department travel award as well.   All pre-approval and reimbursement requests will be processed through Psychology.
The procedure for GSA awards will be as follows:
  • The student will apply for the award through GSA.
  • The pre-approval for the travel will be processed through Psychology using Fund – 1111; Dept – 10090; PFin – 011; Account: 7040300 and Shebeta Alemu as the approver.
  • Please note that you have applied for GSA travel award in the section where you indicate the purpose of the travel.
  • When the student receives the award email (or decline email) from GSA, this must be forwarded to Shebeta’s attention as soon as you receive it.
When submitting your reimbursement, this will process through Psychology using Fund – 1111; Dept – 10090; PFin – 011; Account: 7040300 and Shebeta Alemu as the approver.
The Department of Psychology will request reimbursement from the GSA for the expenses for their award.
Please let Shebeta Alemu ( know if you have any questions about these procedures.


Update 11/30/23 – If there is a pre-approval in the “travel approved” status, or a reimbursement that has been created but not completed, there will be a one-time notification on the 11th and 31st day from the return date of the travel, and a daily notification beginning at 181 days until 360 days.  At 360 days, any reimbursement that has not been completed will expire.
The message will include the travel ID, traveler’s name and return date of the travel and will say,”A request for reimbursement must be completed in a timely manner. Preferably 10 days following the conclusion of travel, no later than 30 days.”
If there is a pre-approval that will not require a reimbursement, please click on the action button in the pre-approval request that says “Complete without Reimbursement,” and the notifications will cease.  Also, if a created reimbursement is cancelled, the notifications will cease as well.
For additional information on the travel process: