Anne E. Brodsky, Ph.D.



Contact Information:


Office:       Math / Psychology 335

Phone:     (410) 455-2416

Fax:           (410) 455-1055

Lab:           Sondheim 508

Phone:      (410) 455-2516



Ph.D. – University of Maryland, College Park, 1995

Area of Study:

Clinical / Community Psychology

Research Interests:

Dr. Brodsky’s work focuses on individual and community level resilience and the role of communities, psychological community, and cultures in creating and resisting societal risks, including community violence, poverty, racism, sexism and other oppressions.  Using qualitative methods, she has explored resilient processes in diverse populations, including single mothers raising children in risky neighborhoods of Washington, DC; low income women in a holistic job training and education program in Baltimore, MD; Afghan women in pre and post-Taliban Afghanistan, and most recently the experiences, attitudes, and interactions of immigrant and nonimmigrant communities in the Baltimore/Washington corridor and in Italy.

Courses Taught:

Community Psychology (PSYC 230 and PSYC 635)

Human Diversity in Intervention and Research (PSYC 608)

Qualitative Methods (PSYC 738)

Graduate Research and Training Opportunities:

Accepting Graduate Students? 

Undergraduate Research and Training Opportunities:

No undergraduate opportunities available

Graduate Program Affiliation(s):

Human Services Psychology

Leadership roles in the Department/College/University:

Interim Director Maryland Institute for Policy Analysis and Research MIPAR

Selected Publications:

Brodsky, A.E. (2016). Taking a stand: The next 50 years of Community Psychology. American Journal of Community Psychology, 58(3-4), 284-293. 10.1002/ajcp.12045.

Brodsky, A.E., Buckingham, S., Fedi, A., Gattino, S., Rochira, A., Altal*, D., Mannarini, T. (2022). Resilience and empowerment in immigrant experiences: A look through the Transconceptual Model of Empowerment and Resilience. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 92(5), 564-577.

Brodsky, A.E. & Cattaneo, L.B. (2013).  A trans-conceptual model of empowerment and resilience: Divergence, convergence, and interactions in kindred community concepts. American Journal of Community Psychology, 52(3/4), 333-346. 10.1007/s10464-013-9599-x

Brodsky, A.E., & Faryal, T. (2006).  No matter how hard you try, your feet still get wet:  Insider and outsider perspectives on bridging diversities.  American Journal of Community Psychology, 37(3/4), 311-320.


AnneBrodskyCV – Updated July 2024