UMBC Industrial / Organizational graduate students and faculty attend the 2024 SIOP conference in Chicago including Dr. Lasson, Dr. Abod, Kyoo Hwang, Hassan Dandridge, Tyler Cohen, Erica Young, Jacadi Tillman, Rachel Devlin, and Paula Fonseca.
Elaina McWilliams (HSP) (Mentor, Chris Murphy) has been working with the community organization, Out for Justice.
To learn more about the positive differences Elaina is making, read the article featuring McWilliams in Out For Justice.
Danielle Farrell will be presenting her poster presentation at the ABCT 57th annual convention.
The title of her presentation is “College Student Coping and Behavioral Responses to Cyber Dating Abuse Experiences”
Samantha Berg will be presenting at the ISTSS 39th Annual Meeting.
The title of her poster presentation is “The mediating role of social integration in the relationship between moral injury and suicidal behaviors”
Julia Potter has published her very first-authored paper “Interpersonal Factors, Peer Relationship Stressors, and Gender Differences in Adolescent Depression”
Julia is mentored by Dr. Lira Yoon.

Please help us congratulate our Human Services Psychology PhD alumna Dr. Lakeya McGill Austin on her new position as an Assistant Professor at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine!
Dr. McGill Austin is an HSP Clinical / Community alum.

Congratulations to our class of 2023 graduates! We enjoyed celebrating with you and are looking forward to seeing what you do next. Please keep in touch!
Anika Aquino (ADP; Mentor: Charissa Cheah) received a Center for Social Science Scholarship (CS3) Small Research Grant. Anika will be using this grant to support recruitment for her doctoral dissertation:
“Immigrant families’ risk and resilience: A multi-method investigation of cultural caregiving and socialization”
Congratulations Anika!!!

Ethan Fischer (HSP), (mentor Dr. Lira Yoon), is the recipient of a
Small Research grant by the Center for Social Science Scholarship.
This grant will enable Ethan to continue research on his master’s
thesis, “Investigating the Relation between Fixed Emotion and
Experience Level”.
Congratulations Ethan! Keep up the great scholarship!!!

Huiguang Ren (ADP/Culture, Child & Adolescent Development Lab/Dr. Charissa Cheah) received funding to attend the 2023 Summer Institute on Migration Research Methods (SIMRM) funded by the U.S. National Institutes of Child Health and Human Development and the Russell Sage Foundation.
The workshop is hosted by the UC Berkley Interdisciplinary Migration Initiative and will be held at the University of California, Berkley campus June 7th thru the 15th, 2023.
Carly Berger, Danielle Griffin, Brianna Jehl and Tali Rasooly (Pediatric Psychology Lab / Dr. Lynnda Dahlquist) presented their research this month at the Society of Pediatric Psychology (Division 54) Annual Conference in Chicago, Illinois.
Berger, C. & Dahlquist, L. (2023, April) Does approach vs. avoidance coping style for medical
procedures predict school-aged children’s responses to experimental pain?
Griffin, D. & Dahlquist, L. (2023 April) Help-seeking and help-hiving: Impact of childhood food
allergy and age on autonomy development and parenting practices.
Jehl, B. & Dahlquist, L. (2023 April) The impact of observation on pediatric acute pain virtual reality
distraction techniques
Rasooly, T. & Dahlquist, L. (2023 April) Pain cognitions as predictors of caregiver readiness to
vaccinate their child against COVID19