Teaching Professor

Contact Information:
Email: eobrien@umbc.edu
Office: 410.455.2365
Phone: Math/Psychology 308
Fax: 410.455.1055
Ph.D. – Catholic University of America, 1987
Fall 2024 Office Hours:
Area of Study:
Developmental Psychology – Early Childhood
Research Interests:
Dr. O’Brien teaches undergraduate courses for the Department of Psychology. In addition to teaching, she provides research and programmatic consultation to early childhood initiatives, especially to child care, Early Head Start, Head Start, and women’s and children’s health programs. She advises psychology majors seeking the early childhood certificate through Education. She is a grant reviewer for the Administration on Children and Families and provides grant writing assistance to community collaborations. Dr. O’Brien’s background is in nursing and psychology, and her areas of interest are women’s and children’s health and well-being, integrated services for families through community collaborations, and measuring outcomes of early childhood interventions.
Dr O’Brien is the Director of the Post Master’s College Teaching and Learning Science Certificate program. She teaches varied graduate courses in that program and works with DPS to reach outside the university to prepare faculty to teach college level learners.
Courses Taught:
Introduction to Psychology (PSYC 100)
Child Development (PSYC 200)
Adolescent Psychology (PSYC 304)
Lifespan Development (PSYC 306)
Child Maltreatment (PSYC 308)
Psychology of Sex and Gender (PSYC 356)
Psychology of Women and Gender (PSYC 357)
Family Psychology (PSYC 465)
College Teaching Practicum (PSYC 504A)
College Learning Seminar (PSYC 504B)
Field Experience in Teaching Psychology (PSYC 796)
Graduate Research and Training Opportunities:
Only those related to higher education and learning.
Undergraduate Research and Training Opportunities:
As the Director of the Post-Master’s program in College Teaching and Learning Certificate, Dr. O’Brien welcomes graduate students and current Master-level teachers who are interested in pursuing this certificate program. You can contact Dr. O’Brien via email at eobrien@umbc.edu
Leadership roles in the Department/College/University:
Teaching Assistant Coordinator
Psychology Teaching Fellows Coordinator / Supervisor
Course Redesign Fellow, USM 2010 – 2015
Lumen Circles Fellow 2021
Quality Matters Reviewer 2015 – Present
Blackboard Ambassador
Selected Publications:
Butz, A, Pulsifer, M, O’Brien, E, Belcher, H, Lears, M., Miller, D., Kaufmann, W., Royall, R. Caregiver Characteristics Associated with Infant Cognitive Status in In-Utero Drug Exposed Infants. Journal of Child and Adolescent Substance Abuse, Vol. 11 (4) 2002, 25-41.
O’Brien, E. Editor and collaborator for Starting Early Starting Smart publications, Published by Casey Family Programs and SAMHSA, DHHS, Available through NCADI. 2001-present.
EileenOBrienCV – Updated August 2024